Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Science Fair

Why Do a Science Fair Project?
There are many benefits to participating in science fair projects. Now you may be doing a science fair project because it's an assignment, it's a school expectation, or you may get the opportunity to do a project by choice. Either way, it may motivate your students to know and understand the scientific method and it can be FUN!
Your students may discover something amazing!  Real research is done for science fairs, sometimes resulting in important inventions and discoveries. Even if your project isn't earth-shattering, you'll almost certainly learn something you didn't know before you started.
Students will become better at science. However, they will also become more confident, more mature, more disciplined, and more skilled.
Scientific Method:
  • Ask a Question
  • Background Research
  • Construct a Hypothesis
  • Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment
  • Analyze Your Data
  • Draw a Conclusion
  • Results

  • To support our 5th grade students who were required to complete a project, each class did their own science fair project! All the classes did a WONDERFUL job on their projects....here are some examples:

    Monday, December 10, 2012

    Vocabulary Instruction That Works!

    Vocabulary is more than a definition, it is knowing: parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, suffixes, related, words, and using words in content. Students should be interacting and manipulating vocabulary words on a daily basis. When students know what words mean, they have a greater chance of understanding the meaning of the text. With a better understanding of text students will be able to be critical readers. Vocabulary alone may not help master Common Core ELA standards, however it will give them a stronger foundation for reading comprehension. Vocabulary awareness and knowledge gives students access to the text and knowledge is the key!

    Exemplary Vocabulary Strategies to use are:
    • Word Maps
    • Frayer Graphic Model
    • Word Sorts
    • Word Walls
    • Cloze Sentences
    • Shades of Meaning
    Students will learn about 2000-3000 new vocabulary words each year. Out of those 400 should be directly taught. Remember, only after students have had time to hear and read the word correctly many times should they be expected to compose something original with the word.

    Marzano's Six Steps for Vocabulary Instruction include:

    1. Description (with picture if possible)
    2. Restate in kid friendly terms
    3. Drawing
    4. Activities
    5. Discussion
    6. Games

    Word Map

    (K) Word Wall

    Primary Word Wall with Color Coded Content Words


    Shades of Meaning