Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Doing Math with the 8 Math Practices

Common Core Standards have put in place the 8 Math Practices which focus on the “processes and proficiencies” of doing math. Simply put they are ~  what we do when we do math!

Students should be:
  • thinking the problem out
  • reasoning
  • modeling
  • talking math with one another
We are trying to get students to develop an understanding of how to do the math. It is no longer enough that students get the correct answer, but more importantly HOW they got it. While reading an article the author stated, "If kids could be successful without having to think or reason, then the lesson is not good enough".

Grade Specific 8 Mathematic Practice Poster Sets:

Math Videos

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Every Student, Every Day

A passionate literacy researcher, Richard Allingtion, shows that the best way to motivate and accelerate reading growth is to have every student, every day do the following:
  • read accurately;
  • read something they have selected;
  • understand what they have read;
  • talk to others about their reading and writing;
  • write something that is meaningful; and
  • listen to a fluent adult read aloud;
Simple, yet how do we fit that into our reading block. Some suggestions that are aligned to Common Core are:
  • talk to students about how their work is meaningful to them
  • talk to students about their book choices
  • listen to students as they talk purposeful

Make Your Day More Fulfilling!

With so much going on in our day to day lives is there a way we can do more? William Ward has five thoughts on how each of us can do more. Are you willing to take the challenge and make your day more fulfilling?
Do more than belong: participate.
Do more than care: help.
Do more than be fair: be kind.
Do more than forgive: forget.
Do more than dream: work.
~William Arthur Ward